Data Privacy statement
Following privacy statement applies to the use of our websites and (addressed afterwards as „Website“). Your privacy is important to us. This is why we apply the up-to-date standards to extracting and processing personal data, especially in regards to the Datenschutz Grundverordnung (DSGVO).
1 Responsibilities (who we are)
We are a start-up company - OneSoap GmbH from Bad Homburg in Germany. We have the websites and as well as multiple accounts with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Linkedin und Xing).
"Datenschutzbeauftragter" the person responsible for receiving, processing and using of your personal data according to Art. 4 Nr. 7 DSGVO is:
Dr. Azat Samigullin, OneSoap GmbH, Heuchelheimer Str. 9, 61348 Bad Homburg.
2 Purpose of data processing and usage
We need it for our website, onlineshop and other marketing purposes.
3 Which data do we use and why?
To be competitive, we use a lot of services, whose business models rely on online marketing, big data, data trading, data analysis etc. Just like most other small and big companies, who do online marketing or sales. The services we use are from Google, Facebook, MailChimp, Instagram, Amazon, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin, Xing. We advise you to consult their privacy statements and read them thoroughly, they are much more interesting than ours. For Payment we use Paypal.
3.1 We need your personal data to legally sell you our products
We use personal data to process the order e.g. name, address, email-address, ordered products, invoice and payment data. We need this data to have a sales-contract. Data will be deleted after the legal terms for keeping paperwork are surpassed.
You can also just register at our online shop. For that we also need your personal data.
3.2 Customer reviews:
When you fill out the review filing, you provide us with data you enter there.
3.3 Contact formulary:
When you fill out the review filing, you provide us with data you enter there.
3.4 Newsletter:
For Newsletters we use Mailchimp you can read their data protection here: we can log in to their service and look at the data you entered, when you signed up.
3.5 Google Analytics
We use Google:
3.6 Facebook Tracking
We use Facebook tracking.
3.7 Other social networks
We use other social networks as well.. Be sure to find and read their privacy statements:
Instagram, Amazon, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin, Xing.
3.8 Cookies
We have the right to use cookies Learn about them here: You can delete them after visiting our website from your browser.
3.9 E-Mail Contact
Wenn Sie mit uns in Kontakt treten (z. B. per Kontaktformular oder E-Mail), verarbeiten wir Ihre Angaben zur Bearbeitung der Anfrage sowie für den Fall, dass Anschlussfragen entstehen. Erfolgt die Datenverarbeitung zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen, die auf Ihre Anfrage hin erfolgen, bzw., wenn Sie bereits unser Kunde sind, zur Durchführung des Vertrages, ist Rechtsgrundlage für diese Datenverarbeitung Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 b) DSGVO. Weitere personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten wir nur, wenn Sie dazu einwilligen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 a) DSGVO) oder wir ein berechtigtes Interesse an der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten haben (Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 f) DSGVO). Ein berechtigtes Interesse liegt z. B. darin, auf Ihre E-Mail zu antworten.
Basically it is OK for us to answer your e-mail, if you write to us. And if you write us an e-mail you are OK with sending us the data that comes with it.
3.10 Amazon
We also sell via Amazon and they have a lovely privacy statement, a great lecture:
3.11 Paypal
Paypal gets data for payments, if you pay via Paypal their data protection is here:
3.12 Other
If you pay via bank transfer we receive your data via our bank.
4. Keeping of data
We keep the data as long as we have to by law. And we will delete it afterwards. And we will delete it if you want us to delete it, if it is legal for us to do so. Google Translate this here if you like it preciser:
Sofern nicht spezifisch angegeben speichern wir personenbezogene Daten nur so lange, wie dies zur Erfüllung der verfolgten Zwecke notwendig ist. In einigen Fällen sieht der Gesetzgeber die Aufbewahrung von personenbezogenen Daten vor, etwa im Steuer- oder Handelsrecht. In diesen Fällen werden die Daten von uns lediglich für diese gesetzlichen Zwecke weiter gespeichert, aber nicht anderweitig verarbeitet und nach Ablauf der gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungsfrist gelöscht.
5. Data Safety
The servers for our website are outsourced to all-inkl:
Otherwise we do our best to keep the data safe and sound according to the current legislation. Be sure that E-Mails are unsafe, and we cannot guarantee for any safety leaks which happen on the internet.
Wir sind um die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten im Rahmen der geltenden Datenschutzgesetze und technischen Möglichkeiten maximal bemüht. Ihre persönlichen Daten werden bei uns verschlüsselt übertragen. Wir weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass die Datenübertragung im Internet (z.B. bei der Kommunikation per E-Mail) Sicherheitslücken aufweisen kann. Ein lückenloser Schutz der Daten vor dem Zugriff durch Dritte ist nicht möglich. Zur Sicherung Ihrer Daten unterhalten wir technische und organisatorische Sicherungsmaßnahmen entsprechend Art. 32 DSGVO, die wir immer wieder dem Stand der Technik anpassen. Wir gewährleisten außerdem nicht, dass unser Angebot zu bestimmten Zeiten zur Verfügung steht; Störungen, Unterbrechungen oder Ausfälle können nicht ausgeschlossen werden.
Wenn man es genauer nimmt ist das meiste outgesourced - wir haben keine eigenen Servern sondern haben einen Vertrag mit All-Inkl, deren Datenschutzerklärung sich hier findet: Wir haben auch keine eigene Leitung dahin sondern nutzen gegen Entgelt die Internetleitungen verschiedener deutscher Provider um Zugang zu Daten zu bekommen.
If you need anything of your data to be deleted, write us an e-mail to and we'll do our best to help
End of the Datenschutzerklärung
We additionally oblige to our codex, which expired on 25.5.18
1. Limitation of liability
The website was created with the utmost care. However, the provider of this website does not guarantee the correctness, completeness and actuality of the provided content and information. Use of the website content is at your own risk. The use of the website does not constitute a contractual relationship between the user and the provider.
2. Links
The website contains (may contain) links to other websites ( "external links"). These websites are subject to the liability of the respective site operators. There were no legal violations when linking the external links. The provider has no influence on the current and future design of the linked pages. The permanent review of the external links is unreasonable for the provider without concrete references to legal violations. In case of any legal infringements, the affected external links will be immediately deleted.
3. Copyright / Performance Protection
The content published on this website by the provider is subject to German copyright law and the right to protection of services. All exploitation not permitted by the German Copyright and Performance Protection Law requires the prior written consent of the provider or respective copyright owner. This applies in particular to the reproduction, processing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. The content and rights of third parties are marked as such. The unauthorized copying of the website contents or of the complete website is not permitted and punishable. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted. This website may not be displayed by third parties in frames or iFrames without written permission.
4. Privacy Policy
By visiting this website, information about the access is saved anonymously and recorded for statistical purposes. It is not passed on to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes. The provider expressly points out that data transmission on the Internet (for example, by e-mail communication) has security gaps and can not be completely protected against access by third parties. The use of the contact data of the imprint for commercial advertising is expressly not desired, unless the provider had previously given his written consent or already exists a business relationship. The provider and all persons mentioned on this website hereby object to any commercial use or transmission of their data.